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返校季 EA iOS 游戏 2折起 2011-08-06 13:04

EA 正在积极为即将到来的 “返校季” 进行促销,其中部分游戏的优惠达到 2折。

iPhone 游戏:

0.99$ :Tetris, Scrabble, FIFA 11, Fight Night Champion, Transformers Dark of the Moon, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Risk, Madden NFL and NCAA Football

iPad 游戏:

0.99$ -2.99$:Battleship, Monopoly, The Game of Life, NBA Jam, Flight Control, Risk, Max and the Magic Marker, Yahtzee Adventures, Sim City Deluxe, Pictureka, Tetris, Transformers Dark of the Moon, Monopoly: Here and Now, Reckless Racing, Scrabble and Snood

Via: BGR

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