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Marco Arment:苹果无须担心其他平板电脑产品 2011-05-14 11:43

尽管有很多搭载其他操作系统的平板电脑产品出现,但是 Instapaper 的创始人 Marco Arment 认为苹果根本无须担心:

“There’s an iPad market, and the iPad could be classified as a tablet, from a hardware-centric viewpoint. But the market for non-iPad tablets is about as big today as it was before the iPad, which isn’t nothing, but it’s close enough to nothing that Apple doesn’t need to worry about it.”


在纯硬件的角度上看,iPad作为平板设备是有市场的. 但对于非iPad的平板设备而言,他们的市场和有iPad之前几乎一样 –
“There’s an iPad market, and the iPad could be classified as a tablet, from a hardware-centric viewpoint. But the market for non-iPad tablets is about as big today as it was before the iPad, which isn’t nothing, but it’s close enough to nothing that Apple doesn’t need to worry about it.”

– Instapaper creator Marco Arment

Via: Marco 的个人博客

3 Responses

  1. liigo:


  2. 宋明星:


  3. 木木爱吃鱼:
