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Skype 对诺基亚员工抛出绣球:来我们这边工作吧 2011-02-17 06:18

诺基亚员工对公司高层决定放弃 Symbian 和 MeeGo,全身投入 WP7 怀抱的事实,充满咒怨,并且当天千人上街打酱油表示抗议。对于工程研发部处于欧洲的 Skype 来说,这是个天大的好消息。今天 Skype CEO Tony Bates 在 MWC 上和路透社的记者说:

There is going to be tremendous talent out there… “Our primary engineering focus just so happens to be somewhere between Finland, Estonia and Stockholm, so you can imagine that’s a great opportunity and we’re hiring.



Via: Yahoo(路透社)

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