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HTC 有意收购操作系统,考虑 webOS 2011-09-13 00:36


9 月 12 日,HTC 董事长王雪红女士说,“公司在考虑收购一个操作系统,但不迫在眉睫。”

HP 刚抛弃的 webOS 会成为 HTC 的购买对象吗?王雪红说,“我们已经考虑,而且内部讨论过,但我们不着急。“随后,她表示,HTC 有能力使用任何系统,公司的竞争力来自于理解操作系统,但不代表他们需要自己生产操作系统。

Google 收购摩托罗拉移动之后,三星加大 Bada 的投入力度,HTC 考虑收购操作系统,下一个会是谁?


5 Responses

  1. big face fox:

    苹果 google 微软 三星,无论谁口袋里都比HTC鼓的多。操作系统就是个赔钱货,别的地方必须要补贴。


  2. 升阳:

    1. the cnet post has clearly indicated that its source is from China. As a Chinese site, I would expect you, as a media guy, to have confirmed ALL the information from the source before post anything.

    2. “We have given it thought and we have discussed it internally, but we will not do it on impulse,” Wang said in an interview with the Economic Observer
    was from “我们有这样的想法,并且进行过内部讨论,但我们不会冲动。” how come it could be translated into “我们将考虑以及展开内部讨论,但我们不着急。” ? They’ve already done it but not will do it!

    3. More ridiculously, it becomes the answer of “HP 刚抛弃的 webOS 会成为 HTC 的购买对象吗?” Where did you get the question from? The original post had never mentioned WebOS. The cnet post mentioned it only in the reference part. You asked this question yourself and put this question right in front of the answer. This made the impression that she directly answered this question. Not good at all.

  3. 升阳:

    不是:“公司在考虑收购一个操作系统,但不迫在眉睫。”; “我们将考虑以及展开内部讨论,但我们不着急。”


  4. leehh:
